5 Ways To Improve Your 60 Time
1. Stop Distance running A 60 Yard dash is a relatively short sprint. There is very little aerobic component to a sprint at this...
Recommended Reading: More Evidence not to Use the Cross Over Step & Is the Sleeper Stretch a Goo
http://www.stealbases.com/base-stealing-stances/ Very easy read(it's all pictures!)from Coach Matt Talarico on the base stealing stances...
4 Exercises You Should Be Doing to Increase Your Speed
1. Deadlift Fast athletes are strong athletes. There is no shortcut, speed is built in the weight room. The athletes that can run the...
Recommended Reading: Putting the SAC Bunt to Bed & The Differences Between American/Dominican Ba
http://treadathletics.com/blog/dominican-domination/ Absolute must read article on the differences between American and Dominican...
Baseball Training Myths: Distance Running Increases Pitching Endurance & Flushes Lactic Acid Bui
Every time I hear about coaches making their players distance run it makes me want to pull my hair out (If I had any). Just because it...