Your Son or Daughter Doesn't Need Faster Feet
When parents call in to Redline to inquire about our services a lot of them will ask if we offer any classes to work on foot speed and...

Tight Muscles Aren't Always a Bad Thing
We’ve always been told to make sure we stretch to avoid injuries, but have you ever constantly stretched a tight muscle, whether it’s...

Make Planks More Challenging Rather than Making them Longer
One of the best ways to keep a healthy back is to have a really strong core. The core musculature is used to resist motions, rather than...

Are you Really Eating Healthy?
Nutrition is a frustrating topic for many people if you don’t go out of your way to study it. There is not a lot of common knowledge on...

Want Faster Athletes? Let them Rest
Unless your sport is distance running, the best athletes that have the biggest impact on the game have a combination of speed and power....